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Voting with a Disability in Miami-Dade County in November 2024.

Voters with disabilities have multiple voting options that meet the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) standards in Miami-Dade County. All voting locations offer a paper-based voting system with a touchscreen, audio technology, and sip-and-puff capabilities to assist voters with special needs. There is also an accessible vote-by-mail option that provides the voter more independence when casting a vote-by-mail ballot from home.

 Any voter with a qualified disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has the option to receive an accessible vote-by-mail ballot by email. This type of ballot may make it easier to cast their ballot independently without the assistance of another person.

 How to request an accessible vote-by-mail ballot?

  • You can request an accessible vote-by-mail ballot online
  • When requesting online, ensure the box labeled “Voters with Disabilities” has been checked
  • Once the request has been processed, the voter will receive an email with a link to the accessible ballot
  • If eligible for an election, your accessible ballot will then be available to you electronically. Once you have made all your preferred selections on the screen, you will be required to print the ballot from the site and return the accessible ballot by mail. Voters participating in the program will still receive a vote-by-mail packet by regular mail via the United States Postal Service that will include the paper ballot. You may choose to use the paper ballot sent with the vote-by-mail packet as an alternative or if you have an issue printing the electronic ballot
  • VERY IMPORTANT – Return only one ballot using the envelope provided
  • Be sure to sign inside the red box on the outside of the envelope
  • The ballot must be received by the Supervisor of Elections Office no later than 7:00 p.m. on Election Day, November 5, 2024.
  • You cannot electronically return your ballot under Florida Law. You can only receive the ballot electronically. It must be returned as described above
  • An immediate family member may return the vote-by-mail ballot to the Elections Department or drop it off at a Secure Intake Station at any of the early voting sites. 

Voters who have questions should email [email protected] or call (305) 499-8444.